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Here's what you'll learn

✓  How to produce more results in the time you have that finally free you from ever wondering if you’ve done enough or achieved enough. When you use the 6-science-based steps , you’ll experience a laser-focused and faster execution than ever before, making you thrive and advance rapidly in today's workforce. (Great news: it won’t require you to find “more time” by working evenings and weekends. It’s a lot simpler and easier as it works with your natural human performance biology) 

The top 3 mistakes that make you lose time, get stressed and burn out…and how to avoid these costly mistakes. I’ll show you what actually is
essential for enhanced productivity based on scientific studies. You'll see how these are so easily doable no matter your circumstances and when you apply them, you'll not only enhance your work performance, but also your overall healthspan. (Avoiding #2 alone will result in a massive increase in mental alertness and energy that boosts your productivity on that very day and save you so much time) 

✓ How to sustain more prolonged concentration than you are today so you can get more work done in the time you have and never have to scramble to "find" time. (Surprise: this science-based approach won’t have you employing another time management system or endless to-do lists or make you miss important events.) I’ll show you in step #3 what to do so that you can get into your most productive “zone” by design, not by luck. Plus, when you combine it with step #2, you'll see a ~500% increase in your concentration.

What you need to do to have a laser-targeted focus amongst the many tasks that scream important, urgent or emergency. It’s the very thing that many experienced senior executives do to make the ‘right’ decision when conflicted…you’ll learn this when it comes to step #6 and how to apply it for yourself, which is a game changer in how you manage and prioritize your never-ending tasks. With this, you get the right work done, multiply your productivity and continue achieving your targets even during tough times. 

The very things you can do to remove brain fog, groggy mornings, and mental fatigue to finally experience profound productivity, even if you wear multiple hats, got competing demands and are a busy parent. (Nope, this won't have you getting jitters or a mid-day crash!) When you take these steps rooted in science and evidence, not only you’ll recover time each day (I've seen 1-3 hours per day recovered by our clients) but also improve your overall health. Productivity, when done right, improves your general wellbeing and increases your longevity while also enabling you to achieve more.  


Unfair Advantage Masterclass

The proven 6-step science-based process that has helped ambitious professionals optimize their brains to get way more out of their time and achieve their targets without having to work extra hours, sacrifice sleep or burn out.

How to increase your productivity, achieve more and gain back time... every day


As Featured In

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Hey, I'm Portia Asli.


As an environment and health engineer focused on brain performance optimization, I translate complicated science into easily adoptable life-changing actions. So you have an upgraded mental performance to achieve ambitious targets while experiencing even better health. 

I have taught thousands of driven, ambitious professionals from my Entrepreneur Magazine articles, appearing as a guest expert on numerous podcasts and delivering corporate and academic lectures worldwide. 

Previously, I’ve been a corporate manager at a Fortune 100 company, pursued an MBA at the University of Cambridge, built several companies from the ground up, and was on the management team of an $8B project, all while having fun travelling to 40+ countries.   

Speaking from my experience, I will show you a science-based process to get the right work done and produce quality outputs that fast-track you to achieve big targets. This process ensures you also have a great sleep and gain time and energy for even greater passions. 

© Optimyzed Brain   All Rights Reserved. 

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